Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another Great Place to Get Baby and Kids Stuff On Sale! Gillt Groupe and Hautelook

So on top of the sites I shared before there are two others worth noting.  Although they both carry things for men, women, adults, housewares and even pets, they also both carry a TON of baby and kid stuff!

The first is Gilt Groupe.  They have a separate section specifically for children's merchandise.  It is invitation only, but I've supplied an invite right here:  http://www.gilt.com/invite/murphyresumes

Hautelook is definitely one of my favorites in general.  They have amazing brands and some serious blowout sales.  They also carry a lot of different children's brands.  This one is also invite only, but here's an invite from me to you: http://www.hautelook.com/invite/740939

These sites carry everything from toys to strollers at different times!  You just never know what'll pop up!  Actually, they both have calendars that show you, but you know what I mean:)

My favorite thing about both companies (which I have made MANY purchases from) is that the customer service so far has been great and I've scored some amazing deals!  I also love being able to poke around for myself while getting deals for the rest of my family!  What can I say?  I love a good sale!

If you have any issues with those invites let me know and I can send one privately.  Happy shopping!

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